We did it again: For Vodafone Deutschland at the OMR Festival

As in 2023, we once again designed and developed a few digital experiences for the large Vodafone Germany stand at Germany's largest marketing event, OMR in Hamburg.

This time we were represented at the stand with three experiences: a Magic Mirror measuring 4.5 x 3.5 meters, innovative transparent LED displays, in front of the entrance to the Vodafone Red Stage, and the Soundbox AR Experience.

The Magic Mirror

Want to stand live on the Vodafone Red Stage? No problem with our Magic Mirror Experience. With the help of camera tracking, we brought visitors to the Red Stage in real time, who could trigger effects around themselves with a "thumbs up" (via motion tracking). 

The Magic Mirror with a size of 4.5 x 3.5 meters was one of the key pieces on the Vodafone stand and generated a lot of interaction.

Transparent LED display

In order to display moving image content in the smallest possible area but with maximum impact, we used transparent LED displays which were mounted in a container half made of glass in front of the Red Stage. With a depth of max 4 cm, they were perfectly suited to the areas next to the entrance to the Red Stage, attracting visitors not only to the hall but also into it. And in addition - thanks to the transparency of the LED displays - the shown content on it has been visible from both sides.

The Soundbox AR Experience

You want to be one of the first to experience the brand new Vodafone “TV-Box”? It was possible at the OMR!
Just scanning the AI created 3D QR-Code with the mobile phone camera to start the AR Experience and the beat goes on. 

A life-size 3D model of Vodafone's “TV-Box” appears, bringing the best sounds underlined with dynamic animated soundwaves directly from your mobile phone speakers to your ears. The visitor/user dives into the world of GigaTV Home Sound and can experience the TV-Box in a completely new way.

Thanks to our customer Vodafone Germany for once again allowing us to be part of your trade fair presence at OMR in 2024.

We are looking forward to 2025 - Together we can!

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